Rahul Ranjan

Hey, My name is Rahul Ranjan

Forward-thinking Software Engineer with a track record of developing software in dynamic environments. I'm experienced in working with Javascript, Python, and Typescript programming languages to deliver robust and reliable software solutions.

About Me I am a software engineer specializing in developing high-quality, secure, and scalable software solutions.I have extensive knowledge of programming languages and platforms, and I create robust, reliable, and efficient software that meets the highest industry standards.
I have experience in building modern infrastructure and leveraging cloud technologies, including a deep understanding of cloud architecture and virtualization.My passion for developing quality software drives me to deliver exceptional results and continuously improve my skills and knowledge.
I thrive in collaborative environments and work with a strong commitment to meet and exceed client expectations. If you're looking for a reliable and efficient software engineer to help your project succeed, let's connect!

Get to know me!

Hi there! It's Rahul I am a highly skilled backend developer with expertise in DevOps and full-stack development. With my strong technical skills and dedication to my work, I have successfully delivered numerous projects that meet the highest industry standards. I am committed to delivering exceptional results and always strive to improve my skills and knowledge.

I am passionate about developing efficient and scalable systems that help businesses grow and thrive. Let's work together to create innovative solutions that drive success! Let's connect!


My Skills

Microsoft Azure
Software Architecture
Database Management
Azure Virtual Machines

Projects Here you will find some of the personal and clients projects that I created with each project containing its own case study

Software Screenshot

Book App

Created CRUD operations model using Flask web framework to list down book’s from user input loaded from MySQL

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Blog Posting

Created a content management system, where users can read blogs, after registering on the platform user can add, update and remove the blog.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Movie App

Created CRUD operations model using Flask web framework to list down movie from user input loaded from MySQL

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Real Time Todo

A Task management system with the using Socket.IO which is a WebSocket protocol and RESTAPI is includes

Case Study

Contact Feel free to Contact me by submitting the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible